How to Utilize Pinterest for Your Wedding

Happy Wednesday! Time for another Wedding Wednesday…..but, this time, I am doing it a little differently. I want to share with you how I utilized Pinterest to help keep my wedding planning organized.

Pinterest for your Wedding

1. Have separate boards for each thing. 

Seriously! Have a board for flowers, for the cakes, for the reception, for the gifts you want to give, the DIY projects, everything! This makes it quick and easy for you to pull up a board while you are with the cake people and show them exactly what you want without scrolling through all the flowers and dresses. You’ll thank me later.

2. Have a secret board for your photography. 

My photographer encouraged me to do this and for that I am SO thankful. But- the key here is to make sure to add your photographer to the board. That way they can add ideas also, and see what pictures you especially want and what vibe you’re going for.

3. Clean your boards. 

I know from first hand experience that when you first get engaged, you go all Pinterest crazy. I understand. But, as your narrow your feel, your colors, ect., clean out your boards! This will, like tip #1, help when you are with a vendor of some sort.

Did you have Pinterest when you got married? How has Pinterest helped you with your wedding planning?

Hannah Diane

12 thoughts on “How to Utilize Pinterest for Your Wedding

  1. Thanks for these tips! I have been using Pinterest for planning my wedding, and it’s really helpful. I love how you can use Pinterest as a search engine. Once I picked something specific like the color, I could search for ideas for decor or something else in that color. I love have secret boards with other people! My aunt is helping me with DIY’s so we have a secret board to pin ideas we find.

  2. Secret board is such a good idea. I didn’t actually use Pinterest for my wedding (didn’t know about it yet!) but I loved using it for baby showers and parties and a secret board for those meant that I didn’t give anything away ahead of time!

    Great post! I found you on The Peony Project – would love you to stop by and say hi sometime!

  3. Never thought of doing a secret Photography board! What a neat idea! Also, when I got engaged I deleted all my wedding boards because my vision had completely changed now that I was actually engaged. Before I was pinning anything and everything I liked.

  4. Love this!!!! Totally used pinterest for my wedding!! A lot a screen shotting and sending pictures to my mom. Us pinning pinning and more pinning! And I think in the end my wedding was totally pinterest worthy! I will have to blog about it someday :)))

  5. This was great! I wish I was able to have used Pinterest more for my wedding! But for us, we planned our wedding in two weeks! lol

  6. If I were planning a wedding, I would definitely use Pinterest! Especially with the option to have secret boards so you can save everything for the big reveal. Pinterest was a wedding game-changer.. Haha!

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